COATING & TREATMENT > Thermo efficient coatings, coatings and paints. Complementary products.
Required high pressure pump with ratio 1:1 heated and suitable for the type of material, with a delivery pressure higher than 130 Bar.
Applicable by spray, by pump, even on inclined and damp surfaces.
Low thermal conductivity λ = 0.065(W/mK). Applicable by brush, roller, spray.
Applicable manually or by spray, even in humid and high temperature conditions. Excellent thermal resistance even after drying.
Thermo efficient coatings, coatings and paints. Complementary products.
Main applications
Two-component elastomeric protective coating with very high chemical resistance, based on pure polyurea, with 100% solids content. High chemical and mechanical performance.Required high pressure pump with ratio 1:1 heated and suitable for the type of material, with a delivery pressure higher than 130 Bar.
Main applications
Waterproofing and anti-corrosive on steel, concrete and many other surfaces. Protective coating for industrial and production plants, tanks, roofing. It can also be applied on foams, wood, plastics, asphalt.GLOBALCOAT HP
Two-component, high chemical resistance elastomeric protective coating based on hybrid polyurea, with 100% solids content. It adheres to metal and enamelled surfaces, porous surfaces such as cement and concrete. Applicable by roller, brush, spray.Main applications
Protective, waterproofing and anticorrosive coating. Adheres to styrofoam, metal, concrete and many other surfaces.GLOBALSTONE FAST COAT
Two-component resin, fire resistant, fast hardening and rapid polymerization. Mechanical resistance and chemical stability, also to hydrocarbons.Applicable by spray, by pump, even on inclined and damp surfaces.
Main applications
Creation of protective layers, resistant to flames and chemical agents, coatings obtained by spray-coating even of damp or wet surfaces. Excellent adhesion also on glassy materials.GLOBALCOAT ACRYL WHITE
Water-based acrylic liquid sheath, forms an elastic protective film, with high resistance to water even at extreme pH. Low VOC content. Applicable by brush, roller, spray.Main applications
Waterproofing and surface protection.GLOBALCOAT S/C
Rust converter and protective. Based on synthetic resins in water, its composition generates, in fact, a double effect: the rust is converted into a stable compound well adhered to the underlying iron, the resin in the formulation creates an additional protective layer.Main applications
Applied on surfaces that have already undergone corrosion, it protects surfaces that are still rust-free. It constitutes an excellent anchoring base for subsequent painting.GLOBALCOAT THERMOSHIELD
Acrylic water-based paint that forms an elastic protective film, with a high insulating power and good water resistance even at extreme pH. It has thermo-reflecting and insulating properties. Creates a barrier to heat flow and a barrier to humidity, preventing water condensation on the walls. Applicable by brush, roller, spray.Main applications
Building paint for both interior and exterior. Adhesion on porous materials - concrete and bricks.GLOBALCOAT ACRYL WHITE PLUS
Water-based acrylic sheath that forms an elastic protective film, with a high insulating power and high resistance to water, even to saline solutions and extreme pH. Creates a barrier to heat flow and humidity and prevents water condensation on the walls.Low thermal conductivity λ = 0.065(W/mK). Applicable by brush, roller, spray.
Main applications
Protection and insulation in the following sectors: industry (pipes, reactors, tanks or as safe touch coating), transport (insulation of containers, caravans, trains, trucks or vans), construction (cool roof). Applicable on horizontal or inclined external surfaces. Adhesion on metal surfaces and porous materials.GLOBALCOAT LINING
Pre-accelerated thixotropic vinylester resin, bisphenol A based, diluted in styrene, with medium reactivity.Main applications
The product is particularly suitable for impregnating tissue in renovations with liner technology (no dig) and lends itself to multiple uses that require high chemical and mechanical resistance.ADESIVO NWB
One-component, neoprene, water-based contact adhesive.Applicable manually or by spray, even in humid and high temperature conditions. Excellent thermal resistance even after drying.